The cart page lists the vital data for a particular shopping order. It lists the items being purchased, the cart summary, billing information, and shipping information.
To access the cart page, click on the blue "Cart" button above the item list on the right (only appears when at least one item is added to cart).
The items display area shows the following information:
- Generic Name, Brand Equivalent, Manufacturer
- Item Number, Category
- Size, Strength
- On-Hand (quantity), On Order (quantity), Soonest Exp. (date)
- Quantity (of Item in the current order; adjustable by user)
- Price (adjustable by user; default is the the Target Price)
- Remove from Cart (trash can icon)
Users can search, sort, and filter the cart contents by selecting the “More” button. The following will be displayed:
- Search (keyword)
- Item Filters (multi-select dropdown):
- All (default)
- In Stock
- Short Date
- Previously Purchased
- Sort By (dropdown)
- Generic Description (A-Z)
- Generic Description (Z-A)
- Sold Units MTD
- Previous Month Sold
- Two Months Ago Sold
- Revenue MTD
- Previous Month Revenue
- Two Months Ago Revenue
- Unique Clients MTD
- Unique Clients 3 Months
- Previous Month Unique Clients
- Two Months Ago Unique Clients
- Unique Invoices MTD
- Previous Month Unique Invoices
- Two Months Ago Unique Invoices
- Last Invoice (New – Old)
- Last Invoice (Old – New)
- Last Price (High – Low)
- Created Date (New – Old)
- Suggested
- Popular
- At Risk (High – Low)
- Reset (button)
Clear the cart by selecting “Clear Cart.”
Return to the Items page to continue shopping by selecting the “Continue Shopping” button.
To see further details, click the grid view icon in the upper right corner of the items list, then click the "Item Details" on an item (eye icon). This will show additional information such as:
- Earliest Arrival
- Number Sold (90 days)
- Number of Customers Sold To (90 days)
- Number of Orders (90 days)
For additional information about the Grid View, please refer to the Shop section.
To meet specific business requirements, sales managers or administrators can tailor the shopping feature by setting up a series of checks that the shopping cart must pass. These validations ensure order accuracy and compliance with business rules. The checks that can be applied include:
- Enforcement of minimum pricing thresholds
- Verification against available quantities
- Special handling for heavy or oversized items
- Assurance that the order meets the minimum total amount criteria
- Limits on the quantity of items that can be ordered daily
- Checks for customers with existing credit holds
- Monitoring of customers' total outstanding balances against their credit limits.
These validations can be implemented in one of four distinct modes, providing different levels of restriction and oversight:
- Error Mode: This will flag specific items or the entire cart with an error, preventing the CRM user from submitting the order until the issue is resolved.
- Warning Mode: The user will receive a warning about specific items or the entire cart but will retain the ability to submit the order despite the highlighted issues.
- Warning with Hold Mode: In this mode, while the user can submit the order, it will be flagged and held back for approval by a sales manager due to the highlighted warnings.
- Off Mode: No validations will be performed, and the user will not receive any warnings or errors, allowing for unrestricted order submission.
These settings empower administrators to customize the order process in alignment with the company's business requirements.
While in the cart, the following items can be entered or adjusted by the user:
- Quantity
- Price (default is the target price)
- Total
- Remove From Cart
The cart summary area displays and allows you to input/change the following information:
- Ship by date
- Customer PO
- Shipping method (select with dropdown menu)
- Credit limit
- Credit balance
- Available credit
- Number of Items
- Total
- Submit button to submit your order
The Bill To and Ship To areas display the following information:
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip code
The Notes section can be opened with the down arrow to view/enter notes in the following categories:
- Workd Notes
- ERP Comment
- Delivery Note
To submit your order, click the “Submit” button.
Users may see Warnings in the Cart before checking out. After selecting the “Submit Order” button, a pop-up will be displayed with the list of item warnings. Warnings and Errors can be related to an Item or the Cart. Please refer to “Checks/Validations” above for further information. Users can choose to “Go Back” or “Submit Anyway.”
Main Page -- Shop
Updated 5 months ago