Order Details
Click an order number to view its individual detail page. At the top of the page, users will see the order number, the order status, and the name of the client.

Order's Details
Below that is the order details display area. Displayed information includes:
- Order Details
- Client Name
- Order Submission Date
- Last Updated
- Assigned User
- Submitted User
- Origin
- ERP Number
- Customer PO
- Ship To Address
- Bill To Address
- Number of Line Items
- Subtotal
- Discount
- Tax
- Freight
- Total
- Total GP (sales manager only)
- Outside GP (sales manager only)
- Shipping Method
- Ship By
- Line Items
- Line Item Number
- Item Number
- Generic, Brand, Manufacturer
- Size, Strength
- Price Set
- Last Order, List Price, Date
- Ordered, Shipped, Backorder
- Notes
- Note information
To create a new note for this order, click the “Create New Note” button in the upper righthand corner of the notes information display card.
This brings up the “Add Note” input prompt. There, users can designate a type of note and enter note text. Click “Submit” to submit the note for the order.
Orders will be submitted to sales managers for approval if the price listed is below the minimum price for that item. Sales managers can either approve or reject the order by clicking “Approve Order” or “Reject Order” buttons. These are only available for sales managers.
As the sales manager, a new option appears to revise the order. Revising the order places the contents of the order back into the customer’s cart. If there are already items in the cart, the user will have the option of clearing the cart or merging the current item list with the item list from the cart.
Main Page -- Orders
Updated 6 months ago