Order Quantity Allocation

Order Quantity Allocation information is available to Admins and Sales Managers

Order quantities and shipping options are allocated based upon customizable limits. Users have control to set daily quantity limits by client and/or item. Additionally, users can set limits for products they deem heavy shipping.

Item Order Daily Limits
Users can put limitations on quantities of certain items for specific customers.

  • Users can search existing limits on the Client Item Daily Limit page
  • To create a new limit, click the “Set Daily Limit” button:
    • Select item in the dropdown
    • Set daily order limit
    • Click “Save”

The created daily limit will now be displayed in the list and include the following information:

  • Item Name, Manufacturer, (hyperlink to item details page)
  • Size, Strength
  • Item Daily Limit (global limit applied to all customers)
  • Client Specific Daily Limit

On the Shop page, when a customer attempts to add a product quantity to the Cart that exceeds the daily limit, a message will be displayed that the desired quantity exceeds the maximum quantity allowed per day.

Admins and Sales Managers can choose to set the daily limits to be handled as a warning or error to be shown by the customer or user. This setting can be configured differently between e-commerce and CRM.

Heavy Items

Some products can be categorized as Heavy Items and be denoted with a weight icon.

On the Client/Shop page, when a customer attempts to order Heavy Items, if the weight exceeds their chosen shipping method, then a warning will be displayed, and customers may be able to accept a different shipping method.

Main Page -- Orders