To access the Activities page, click on the "Activities" button on the left side inner navigation bar.
This page lists various activities that are associated with this specific client. Each activity has a specific time/date range associated with it.
Activities are a flexible category and can be used to track and manage to-do lists, follow-up calls, future orders, and more.
Activities are displayed on the page with the following information shown for each entry:
- User (who the activity is assigned to)
- Subject (a brief description of the assigned activity)
- Start Date
- Start Time
- Next Occurrence
- Repeats (how often the activity occurs)
- Ends (the condition for the repeated activity to terminate)
To create a new activity, click on the "Create New Activity" button in the upper right hand corner of the client activities display area.
Once clicked, a prompt appears, allowing you to enter the new activity information. Input fields include:
- User (Sales managers can assign to other users; sales rep can only assign themselves) (required)
- Subject (e.g., to-do list, follow-up, place order) (required)
- Start Date
- Start Time
- Repeat (if you want/need to repeat this activity every day, week, or month)
- Ends (an activity set to "Repeat" can be forever recurring, or you can set an end date here for when it will stop recurring.)
Click "Save" to save your activity.
Each entry has a dropdown menu on the right side. Clicking the dropdown menu and then "Mark Complete" sets the task as completed.
Each entry has a dropdown menu on the right side. Clicking the dropdown menu and then "Edit" brings up the edit prompt.
Information that can be edited includes:
- User assigned to this activity
- Subject
- Start Date
- Start Time
- Repeat (yes/no)
- Ends (available if "Repeat" is set to yes)
Each entry has a dropdown menu on the right side. Clicking the dropdown menu and then "Delete" brings up the delete prompt.
From there, users can delete that individual activity entry or all activity in the series.
Main Page -- Clients
Updated 17 days ago