Shop Page Movers

Movers in several categories are listed on a customer's Shop page. Just like the Mover Panel, they are designed to act as shortcut to filter items in important recommended categories including:

  • All (default)
  • Suggested (looks at previous purchase history/popularity and other data points to develop a forecast of items most likely to be purchased; sorted with highest likelihood of items to be purchased)
  • Popular (heavy movers across whole company; does not necessarily mean the specific customer is buying it; sorted by popularity)
  • New (new in-stock items recently added to the sales catalog; sorted by most recent)
  • Short Date (in-stock items that are going to expire soon; sorted by most to least popular)
  • Previously Purchased (in-stock items and quantity that customer has purchased in the past)
  • Items that are marked as, "At Risk" are in-stock items that the customer used to buy but have now slowed down or stopped.

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