1. Table of Contents
  2. Description
  3. Features
    1. Search, Sort, and Filter
    2. Add to Cart
    3. Add Competitive Price
    4. Grid View
  4. Access Client Details Page
  5. Sub-Pages List

The Shop page allows users to build an order for a customer. The Shop page is available for customers only, not leads.

The display area will list items, and each item will include the following information:

  • Item Name, Brand Equivalent, Manufacturer
  • Item #
  • Icon List (e.g., refrigerated, short date, previously purchased)
  • Size, Strength
  • Target Price, Minimum Price, Saved Price
  • On-Hand (quantity), On Order (quantity), Soonest Exp. (date)
  • Last Invoice, Last Price, Last Date
  • Current Month, Previous Month, 2 Months Ago
  • Quantity (to be entered/adjusted by sales rep)
  • Price (to be entered/adjusted by sales rep)
  • Total
  • Add Competitive Price Action Button (see "Add Competitive Price" below)
  • Remove Icon (to delete items from cart)

The Shop page can be searched, filtered, and sorted by the following:

  • Search (keyword)
  • Item Status (dropdown):
    • All
    • In Cart
    • Not In Cart
  • Item Filters (multi-select dropdown):
    • All
    • In Stock
    • Short Date
    • Previously Purchased
  • Sort By (dropdown):
    • Generic Description (A-Z)
    • Generic Description (Z-A)
    • Sold Units MTD
    • Previous Month Units Sold
    • Two Months Ago Units Sold
    • Revenue MTD
    • Previous Month Revenue
    • Two Months Ago Revenue
    • Unique Clients MTD
    • Previous Month Unique Clients
    • Two Months Ago Unique Clients
    • Unique Invoices MTD
    • Previous Month Unique Invoices
    • Two Months Ago Unique Invoices
    • Last Invoice (New – Old)
    • Last Invoice (Old – New)
    • Last Price (High – Low)
    • Created Date (New – Old)
    • Suggested
    • Popular
    • At Risk (High – Low)
  • Reset

Note: Orders placed with sales prices that are below the minimum price need to be approved by the sales manager.

Click the "Add to Cart" button on an item you'd like to add to the order and it will add one (1) by default. Update the quantity of an added item by typing in the desired number or clicking the +/- buttons.

If you lower the quantity of an added item to zero, a popup will ask if you'd like to remove the item from the cart.

The cart will automatically update when you change the quantity.

Total number of items in the cart will be displayed - along with the order subtotal - on the blue "Cart" button above the shop list on the right (only appears once at least one item is added). Click this icon to access the cart.



Clicking the “Add Competitive Price” icon (second from the right, next to the trash icon) brings up the Add Competitive Price prompt.

Here, sales reps and managers can add information for later review regarding how competitors are pricing specific items. Files can be uploaded, such as invoices or screenshots, to further explain and illuminate individual competitor price notes. Please see Items - Competitive Prices and Reports - Competitive Prices for further information.

The Shop page can be displayed in a list view or a grid view. The grid view format is useful, as it displays pictures for each item. This can be helpful for customers to verify the correct item they are looking for. The grid view, which can be customized based on business decision, displays item details such as:

  • Item picture
  • Item attributes
  • Manufacturer
  • Dimensions (if applicable)
  • Quantity on hand
  • Item details (eye icon) – Selecting this opens a side panel with additional product details.
  • Price (adjustable; orders placed with sales prices that are below the minimum price need to be approved by the sales manager.
  • +Add to Cart (button; once selected, users can change the quantity using the minus or plus signs or by typing the number in the textbox. Doing so will add the item(s) to the Cart and a Blue Shopping Cart Total button will be updated at the top right-hand of the page.
  • Remove from Cart (trash can icon)

Click on any client's name to access that individual client's account details page.


When an item is requested via the shop page in CRM or e-commerce portal where the requested amount is more than what the business has on hand, that item gets marked as a "Lost Opportunity." Please refer to Reports - Lost Opportunity for more information.
