Business Days
The Business Days page allows users to designate and manage the number of business days the organization is open for business. This is important information, as the system will calculate the number of business days for any given month and accurately measure sales rep performance on a daily or monthly basis. In addition, this information will help the system calculate and forecast the projected monthly sales rep performance – a useful tool for sales managers when coaching their reps.

Business Days Page
The default month shown is the current month. Users can select any of the previous 12 months or 12 months in the future. The number of business days is automatically calculated based upon user input.
On the right-hand side of the display, there are two tabs – Non-Business Days and Standard Week.
The Non-Business Days tab allows users to designate customized dates when their organization is not open for business. To create a Non-Business Day, select Create Non-Business Day and choose the start and end dates. Users can also choose to repeat by days, weeks, or months. To choose a repeat ending, use the dropdown and select After or On.
Choosing “After” allows users to select the number of occurrences to repeat before ending.
Choosing “On” allows admins to designate a specific date for the repeat to end. Once selections have been made, click “Save” to add the Non-Business Day to the calendar.
The Standard Week tab allows Admins to designate the specific days to include in their standard week. The selections are carried from one month to another. Changing them will affect future dates but not past months. Conversely, non-business days are not carried unless they are scheduled to be repeated. Once the days are selected, click “Save.”
Main Page -- Settings
Updated 5 days ago