The Quotes main page lists all relevant quotes for a user.
Quotes are proposals made by individual sales reps for a customer to purchase certain items. Clicking on one of the quote numbers takes you to the quote detail page.
All roles can view quotes, and sales reps can manage quotes for their clients. Orders can only be created for customers, but quotes can be made for both customers and leads.
At the top of the page are methods to search, sort, and filter the data, including:
- Search bar
- “Sort by” dropdown menu
- Date (New-Old and Old-New)
- Client Name (A-Z and Z-A)
- Total
- Sales rep filter dropdown menu
- Reset button to return to default settings
Each entry on the quotes main page displays the following information:
- Quote number
- Creation date
- Client name and address
- Sales rep
- Number of lines in the quote
- Subtotal
- Total
- Remove icon to delete that quote number
Updated 30 days ago