FAQ - Sales Manager

How do I set Goals and configure KPIs?

  1. Navigate to Settings main menu page. Goals, located in the menu of Settings displays all User Goals in a table.
  2. Individual user goals can be configured as active or inactive. To configure goals for one or more users, select the corresponding rows' checkboxes, and select the Configure KPIs button.
  3. A slide out panel displays all of the available KPIs. Check a KPI to activate or uncheck to deactivate. Select Save to finish.
  4. Each user can be assigned their own goals. Set goals by entering values for each KPI. When you are finished, select the Save button in the top-right of the display.

Just like User Goals, Team goals and Company goals can be reviewed, modified, and configured in the same ways.


Goals will continue to display for a KPI even after you have marked it Inactive. To prevent a Goal from showing, delete it.

How do I view Monthly & Daily KPIs?


  1. Navigate to the Reports main page.
  2. The KPIs - Month sub-nav page, by default, will be displayed.


  1. Navigate to the Reports main page.
  2. To view Daily KPIs navigate to the KPIs - Daily sub-nav page.


Goals and percentages towards Goals are only displayed when a Goal has been created for the respective KPI via Settings main menu page → Goals page.

How do I add and manage Item Images?

  1. Navigate to the Items main menu page.
  2. Select a specific item to see the Item Details page and scroll down to the Images section.
  3. Select the Manage button.
  4. A side panel opens where images can be added by providing a link or uploading a File. Delete images by selecting the trash can. Select the Save button to finish.

How do I Approve or Reject an Order?

  1. Navigate to the Home - Dashboard main page.
  2. Locate Order Approval in the sub-nav menu and select it. All of your Orders Awaiting Approval are listed in the table.
  3. Select an order to view the Order Details page.
  4. After reviewing the order’s details, you have the option to Approve or Reject the order.

When you Approve an Order, it continues in the workflow and the status will change to Pending.

When you Reject an Order, you have the option of entering a note about why the order was rejected, and this can be helpful to other users. The status will change to Rejected, and the user can revise and resubmit.


Notifications at the top of the page display reasons why the order requires manager approval.

How do I Bulk Edit on the Clients main page?

  1. Navigate to the Clients main page.
  2. Multi-select various clients by checking the checkbox in the first column.
  3. Select the Bulk Edit button in the top-right of the display. A dialog displays with an Action dropdown. Common actions include assigning and unassigning clients and distributing leads.
  4. To Assign Clients to a Sales Rep, select the choice from the dropdown, select the new assignee, and select the Confirm button to finish.
  5. To Unassign Clients, select the choice from the dropdown and select the Confirm button to finish.
  6. To Distribute Leads, select Distribute Leads to Sales Reps from the dropdown and select the Confirm button to finish.

How do view and create Price Lists?

  1. Navigate to the Prices main menu page. All existing Price Lists are displayed in a table, and by default, are sorted alphabetically by Price List name. Selecting a Price List displays the Price List Details page and all relevant information to that contract.
  2. New Price Lists can be created by selecting the + Create New Contract button.
  3. A side panel opens for user input. Fill out the required fields and select Save to finish. After saving, the Price List Details page for the new contract will be displayed.
  4. Add specific items to the Price List under the Applied To section by selecting the Add Items button.
  5. A modal displays search and sort options for you to find and select items. After items have been added, select the Next button.
  6. Fill out the Adjustment Details and select the Save button to finish.
  7. Designate specific clients eligible for the Price List by navigating to the Clients Under Price List section and selecting the Add Clients button.
  8. A modal displays search, sort, and filter options for to find and select clients. After clients have been added, select Save to finish.


Once clients and items are added, the newly entered price will override the list price, reflecting what your customers see.

How do I manage Business Days?

  1. Navigate to Settings main menu page.
  2. Locate Business Days in the sub-nav menu and select it.
  3. To set the Standard Week, select the respective tab in the top-right of the display.
  4. Select/highlight the days of the week to designate the Standard Week and select Save to finish.
  5. To set Non-Business Days, such as company holidays, select the respective tab and the Create Non-Business Day button.
  6. Select the Start Date, End Date, and a Repeat if needed. Select Save to finish.
  7. Once created, Non-Business Days will display and can be edited or deleted by selecting the pencil icon.

How do I create and manage an E-Commerce User?

  1. Navigate to the Ecomm Users main page. Existing E-Commerce users are displayed in a table and can be searched by keyword.
  2. To create a new E-Commerce user select the + Add User button in the top-right of the display.
  3. A New User side panel opens. Enter the required fields and select the Save button to finish. The new E-Commerce user will now be listed in the user table and can be managed by selecting their name.
  4. The E-Commerce User’s Details page displays options to manage the user. Disable access by selecting the Disable button. Edit the user’s details by selecting the Edit button. Add Customers to the user’s record by selecting the + Add Customer button.


Alternatively, new E-Commerce users can also be created by navigating to the Clients main page, selecting a specific client, and selecting Users from the menu. The user creation and management process is the same as previously outlined.

How do I Refund and Void Transactions?

  1. Navigate to the Transactions main page. The Transactions page lists existing Transactions in a table sorted by newest to oldest.
  2. To Void a Transaction in a Processing status, select the Void button at the end of its row. A Void Transaction dialog confirmation appears with optional note entry. Select the Void Transaction button to finish.
  3. To Refund a Transaction in a Succeeded status, select the Refund button at the end of its row. A Refund Transaction dialog confirmation appears with editable Refund Amount field and optional note entry. Select the Refund Transaction button to finish.


The status of a transaction in the workflow determines the available actions at any given time. Transactions that are not settled can be voided. Once a transaction is settled, the refund option will become available.