The Users page lists all of the e-commerce users that are associated with that particular client. This page is for customers only (not leads). By default, sales reps and sales managers can manage e-commerce users.

The displayed information includes:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Edit/Remove Button

To add a user, click the “Add User” button in the upper right hand corner of the display area.

This will bring up the add user prompt.

On the prompt, you can select “New User” or “Connect Existing User.”

When creating a “New User,” add the first name, last name, and email address of the new user.

When choosing “Connect Existing User,” select the existing user from a dropdown of all available customers.

To edit details for an individual user, click the “Edit” button at the right side of that user’s displayed information area. This will bring up the edit user prompt.

On the prompt page, a user's first name, last name, or email address can be updated.

To disassociate a user from that particular client, click the down arrow on the “Edit” button on the right side of the user display area; from the dropdown menu, select “Remove.”

A confirmation prompt will appear.

Click “Yes” to confirm removal.

Main Page -- Clients